Week 45/46 (Huamantla, Tlaxcala, Mexico) Sick again:( y La Feria

 Hola a todos

     Sorry for not sending an email last week everyone, I got sick last Monday and basically slept all pday lol. Nothing crazy has happened the last couple of weeks but were pretty good, not exactly how we wanted it to go though.

    We were supposed to have like 3 baptisms the past couple of weeks but they didn't end up happening because one needs to get married still, which is a huge problem here in Huamantla and the other due to mental difficulties. 

    Other than not having baptisms missionary work overall was very good. In these past two weeks we found over 15 new people to teach, we had over 20 lessons, we gave out over 50 Books of Mormon, we contacted over 200 people, and we have over 10 people with a date to be baptized! The work is moving along really well but the hardest part is finding people that are actually married and want to go to church. 

    I believe it is officially the rainy season because it rains almost everyday. There are days it rains so much we literally can't do much work. It sucks. One day it rained really hard and we just decided to be dumb and take pictures in the rain. It felt really nice though because before that it was soo hot. 

    These next coming weeks should be good because we are preparing a lot of people to be baptized! But at the same time this month will be really difficult because of this thing called the Huamantlada and the fair. So many people from all over Mexico come here just to party and drink. So we gotta be careful who we are contacting and teaching. I have faith that everything will happen exactly how it needs to. 

    Not much happened but here in the next couple weeks I have a feeling will be a little crazy lol, so stay tuned. 

Con mucho amor,
Elder Bailey


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