Week 50 (Huamantla, Tlaxcala, Mexico) Milagros (Miracle)

 Hola mis amigos!

    This week went by so fast, its crazy! Last pday nothing crazy happened, so nothing to say about that.

    On the other hand missionary work was absolutamente crazy! We saw so many miracles and had a lot of success! We ended up finding 10 new people to teach, we had 11 lessons with a member participating, 11 people we are teaching came to church, we gave out 24 books of Mormón, contacted 109 people and had 16 lessons! It was such a dope week! Also to top it all off Rosa got baptized! She was supposed to get baptized a couple weeks ago but got sick, so wasn't able to. Until yesterday she was brave and got baptized!

    One of the many miracles we saw was so cool. We were contacting in a park and I told my comp it was his turn to talk with someone. The very first person he talked to was this couple who were eating. They ended up being very interested and the man also almost went to church a couple years ago but never did. So we invited him and his girlfriend to read 3 Nephi 11 and go to church Sunday. The crazy thing is that they actually came! After church they also said they will be coming back and want to go every week! We have an appointment with them this week! It was such a dope experience!

    On Tuesday we had a family home evening with some members and their friends of another faith. We taught the plan of salvación and invited their friends to be baptized, they accepted! Alejandra, one of the people we invited to be baptized went to church and even shared her testimony! She also said in her testimony that she is very grateful for finding this church, all the members, and knows it is all true! It was soooo awesome!!

    There were so many other miracles but this email would probably end up being an essay. Dios es un Dios de Milagros! Keep grindin! Have a fantastic week!

Con mucho amor, 
Elder Bailey 


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