Week 51 (Huamantla, Tlaxcala, Mexico) Love the Work

 Hola a todos

    Another week that went by super fast. Last pday nothing happened just a normal pday.

    Missionary work was really good again. We found 11 new people to teach, we taught 18 lessons, gave out 26 BoM, we inly had 4 people go to church which was a little weird because last week we had 11. Don't know what happened. We also had like 120 contacts. It was a really good week missionary wise but just nothing crazy happened. This week we will have a baptism and she specifically asked me if I could baptize her! I am very grateful that she has that trust in me.

    I don't remember what day it was but one day we were studying and all of the sudden Pres called and said he was in Huamantla. I was very confused because he didn't warn us or anything. It was dope though because he dropped off like 10 boxes of Books of Mormon, a whole bunch of food and now this area finally has overalls for baptisms! It was really dope of our Pres to do that.

    Sometimes I feel like we aren't doing some of the right things to see success but when I look back on the week I can see that we did everything we could, it maybe just wasn't in line with Gods time. Just gotta keep grindin.

    This email is gonna be a little short and there won't be that much pictures. It was a good week though and can't wait for more. Have a good week!

Con mucho amor,
Elder Bailey


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