Week 52 (Huamantla, Tlaxcala, Mexico) Bautismoooo!

 Hola mis amigos 

    Another good week here in Huamantla. Pday was just another normal pday, nothin crazy.

    Also another really good week for missionary work, despite the fact that we weren't in Huamantla for a whole day, we still did good. We ended up finding 6 new people to teach, we had 7 people go to church, we gave out 24 BoM, we taught 17 lessons and 14 of those were with a member, 94 contacts and a baptism!! 

    The baptism went great and Alejandra es una máquina! She will be a future relief society pres. She just has so much potencial and am very happy I got to be apart of her conversión. Next week we got planed another baptism which will actually be her Dad, Jesus! It was especially cool because she specifically asked me to baptize her! I am very grateful for this opportunity I have to help people receive so many blessings the Lord has waiting for them.

    I gave a talk yesterday in church and it was my first time doing it with only notes and not writing it all down, just básicamente following the spirit! It went really well and during the talk I said D&C 4 memorized for the very first time. It took me surprisingly around 2 to 3 days to memorize it. Crazy.

    I don't have much more to talk about but just want to let you all know that hard work and dedicación really do pay off. Keep grindin. Oh, I almost forgot. I have officially been on my mission for 1 year. One more year to go! Thanks for all the support and words of encouragement. 

Con mucho amor,
Elder Bailey 


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