Week 53 (Huamantla, Tlaxcala, Mexico) ¿¡¿Otro Bautismooo?!?

 Hola mis amigos

    Once again, another really good week here in Huamantla. Also another pday where nothing really happened haha.

    Missionary work was also really good as well. We ended up finding 8 new people to teach, we had 15 lessons, we had 5 people go to church, we gave out 47 BoM, 84 contacts and a baptism! The baptism went really good, Jesus the guy we just baptized is a machine!! I was so happy after, made me feel all good inside. Can't wait till he can get the Priesthood.

    Thursday we were walking at night getting done contacting, and someone stopped us and asked us what religión we are apart of. We told him and he asked us if we could go to his house with him and his wife to pray for their daughter. We were a little hesitant at first but it ended going really well. They all accepted a BoM and accepted another appointment. The day of the appointment came and right as we walked in their house I heard something familiar, so I looked at the TV and they were literally watching the Book of Mormon Videos the church made a couple years ago! I was so surprised, it was crazy!! They have so much potencial and am very excited to teach them. 

    We also had a Multi Zone Conference with President and his wife. It went really well and I always learn so much from President. He always gives me more desires to serve and work harder.

    I really can't think of what else to talk about lol. I hope you all have an amazing week. Keep grindin

Con mucho amor,
Elder Bailey


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