Week 57/58 (Bosques Puebla, Mexico) ¡Para Bautizar Conversos! (To Baptize Converts!)

 Hola mis amigos 

    First of all sorry for not sending an email last week. I had to go to immigration and was there basically all day. It was not fun jaja. But the past 2 weeks have been pretty good. We have mainly been focusing on finding new people to teach. 

    These past 2 weeks we have found over 20 new people to teach, gave out over 45 BoM, like over 20 lessons, and a lot more but I'm not gonna lie I don't remember. We were able to put 2 people on date for baptism for the 12th of Noviembre! 

    The wat we found one of the people we put on date was a little weird. We were walking to la comida and a women stopped us and asked for help. Of course we helped her and what she said after was very sad. She said "right now I am holding my dead dog who just died of a heart attack. We were so shocked. We ended up giving her a BoM and inviting her to be baptized. She said she would think about it but 2 days after we went back to her house, we taught her a bit and then accepted to be baptized the 12th! I was very weird, sad but a milagro (miracle) as well.

    We had a multi zone conferencia this past week and wasn't really a conference because President and his wife didn't even talk that long. We ended up finishing really early but then after President said we are going to eat pizza and watch Coco! It was dope and I could actually understand it in Español! 

    We should be having a couple of baptisms in the next coming weeks so stay tuned for that!

    I am not gonna lie I don't remember a lot of what happened jajaja but the next few emails should be better!

    Have a good week everyone! Keep grindin

Con mucho amor,
Elder Bailey


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