Week 59 (Bosques Puebla, Mexico) ¡Día de los muertos y mi cumpleaños! (Day of the Dead and my birthday!)

 Hola mis amigos! Como están??

    This week went well pretty much the same as last week. Last pday was really dope. We went to centro and looked at all the ofrendas for día de los muertos and had some fun touring you could call it jaja. I also went birthday shopping jaja. 

    Missionary work was good but definitely can be better. We found 8 new people to teach, gave out 29 BoM, 5 lessons with a member, 14 lessons in total, we only had 1 person go to church, 2 converts and 61 contacts. Right now our biggest concern is getting people to church. We invite everyone and a lot of people tell us that they are going to go but never show up. It will change this week though so that we can start to baptize again. 

    We also had another leadership council this week and went really well. The main focus was having more faith but not just faith, having faith in Jesus Christ. We also talked about how the new mission in Puebla is going to affect the mission.(Yeah, if you didn't hear, my mission is going to be divide next July and when that happens there will be a Puebla North, South, and east mission! Crazy! I could actually be reassigned to a new mission as well but for only like 2 months because I will be going home in Septiembre next year jaja). It was a really good council and I left that meeting rejuiced and ready to work a lot harder.

    El día de los muertos was the day of my birthday (noviembre 2nd) and that day was dead jaja. Literally no one in the streets or in the little tiendas. We still managed to have a really good day though. I also had my first exchanges as a zone leader that day. Also the member we ate with made a cake for us and didn't even know it was my birthday so that was dope! 

    Also something crazy that happened last Saturday is that literally 6 people were killed in my area and the even crazier part is that when it happened we were very close to where it happened. Don't worry though nothing to crazy just a whole bunch of police, sirens, helicópteros, and the army no big deal jaja.

    I believe that is all that happened this week. Can't wait to get back to work to help the Lord in the great work! Hope everyone has a good week and thank you all for the birthday wished! Keep grindin

Con mucho amor,
Elder Bailey


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