Week 60 (Bosques Puebla, Mexico) Intercambios con los Asistentes (Exchanges with Assistants to the Mission President)

 Hola mis amigos!

    This week went by so fast, its crazy! Last pday we didn't really do anything just a normal pday.

    Missionary work was good but we are still having trouble with getting people to church. We found 11 new people to teach, we gave out 27 BoM, only contacted 37 people so our ratio from people contacted to books given out was so good, we taught 16 lessons, 5 of those were with a member, only 2 people came to church which was a big bummer but this week we are going to work even harder so we can start baptizing again!

    This week we also had exchanges with the assistants to the President, Elder Lee and Elder Johnson! It was really dope. I learned so much with them and especially how to work better with the members which will help a lot. It was just 4 Americans in one apartment so it was pretty fun to say the least jajaja. 

    Nothing to crazy happened last week but it was still a good week. This week we have transfers and we will find out Tuesday night if one of us gets transferred. I honestly have no idea what will happen. Anything could happen because we are receiving 20 missionaries and only 2 are leaving so it will be crazy. In my next email we will see what happens.

    Well that should be it so I hope everyone has a really good week! Keep grindin 

Con mucho amor,
Elder Bailey


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