Week 61 (Bosques Puebla, Mexico) #Milagrotime (miracle time)

 Hola mis amigos!

    This week went by really fast and went really well! Last pday was good nothing crazy happened.

    Missionary work went really well this week! We found 8 new people to teach, 4 people came to church(finally doing better with this!), 16 lessons with 9 of those lessons had a member, 28 BoM, 44 contacts, and a lot of miracles!

    We were knocking doors one day and literally Sebastian was just waiting for us! We taught him and his kid and they both accepted to be baptized in the first contact! Then the next day we went bacj with them and found out he has another kid! The Dad only came to church but we are going to help them all get there!

    We also did divisións this week with 2 jóvenes who are getting ready for there mission! It went really well and we found some escogidos! They are both going to be really good missionaries!

    Transfers also happened! We stayed the same, which I am happy about becayse we work well together and we haven't baptized together, well at least not yet. Soon though, very soon! 19 new missionaries arrived and now our mission has 115 missionaries!! Its crazy! We opened liked 6 new areas I think! 

    I also got super sick Tuesday. Ended up throwing up so much, and popped some blood vessels around my eyes jajaja. But I literally threw up everything out of my system including the infección, so the next day I was completely fine jaja.

    The week went by way too fast and I also completed 14 months in the mission which is crazy to think about!

    I hope you all have an amazing week! Keep grindin 

Con mucho amor, 
Elder Bailey 


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