Week 62 (Bosques Puebla, Mexico) Spiritual Momentum

 Hola mis amigos!!

    Another week that went so fast I can't believe it's already Monday jaja. The week was dope as well! Last Monday I honestly don't remember but it was good.

    This week missionary work was really good. We saw so many miracles. We ended up finding 11 new people to teach, we had 23 lessons and out of that 23 we had 11 with a member, we had 6 people we are teaching go to church, we gave our 28 BoM, and we invited like over 15 people to be baptized, also we contacted like 50 something people! I am very excited for what has to come in the coming weeks! 

    I don't have a lot of time to write more but I just want to invite you all to listen/read a talk by President Nelson. He gave this talk last year in April and our Mission President invited us to watch it and take note on it before going to church and it helped me so much! So that is why I want to share it with all of you! 

The Power of Spiritual Momentum

    I hope you all have a good week! Keep grindin 

Con mucho amor,
Elder Bailey 


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