Week 63 (Bosques Puebla, Mexico) The work must go on

Hola mis amigos! Como están???

    We had another good week here en Bosques! Saw a lot of miracles and got a lot of work done! Last pday not much happened, but we did go to the offices to pick up some materials for the zone.

    This week for missionary work we found 7 new people to teach, we taught 17 lessons and out of those 17, 7 were with a member, we invited like 12 people to be baptized and 4 accepted, we gave out 30 BoM, with only contacting 34 people, we gad 4 people go to church and we have 2 people on date for baptism! This week was really good but we are still just having trouble getting people to go to church. I know it will happen just gotta keep grindin.

    Nothing really crazy or weird happened this week but more people were killed so that's great.

    Friday we had leadership council and it was probably my favorite one! I learned so much and the spirit was so strong. After every council we are supposed to have a zoom meeting with the zone about what we learned in the council. That meeting helped the zone so much. Everyone has more motivación to work and it will definitely help with the spiritual momentum as well!

     That's all for this week. I hope everyone has a fantástic week filled with a lot of miracles. Remember, don't lose your trust in the lord even if things don't go your way. If you stay firm to your testimonio and and keep having faith in Jesús Christ, everything will be just fine. Keep grindin

Con mucho amor, 
Elder Bailey 


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