Week 64 (Bosques Puebla, Mexico) Más Milagros! (More Miracles!)

 Hola mis amigos!!

    This week was another really good week here in Bosques! Last Monday we didn't really do anything crazy just the normal stuff.

    Missionary work this week was really good! We ended up finding 14 new people to teach, 7 people came to church, we gave out 33 BoM, contacted 51, taught 27 lessons and out of that 27 we had 9 members participating and a lot of miracles! This week was so good and am really proud of the week we had! We will keep working this hard every week and even harder.

    We had exchanges on Friday and found a lot of the elect! We also had some really weird experiences as well and if you want to know about them send me an email jaja. Overall I would say the exchanges went really well for us and for the Elders that came to our area.

    We also finally had Gerardo go to church! He is so ready to be baptized and in fact he has a date set for this Sunday the 17th so please keep him in your prayers!!

    I'm not gonna lie I don't really remember what happened this week because the days go by so fast. But don't worry I am working really hard to help all the sons and daughters of God come back to him!

    I hope you all have a good week! Keep grindin 

Con mucho amor, 
Elder Bailey 


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