Week 65 (Bosques Puebla, Mexico) Bautismooooo

 Hola mis amigos!

    Another amazing week here in Bosques!! Last pday nothing too special but we did get together with the other Elders in my district to play a board game called Skull King.

    For missionary work this week was really good as well, not our best but still really good! We found 7 new people to teach, taught 16 lessons, only gave out 13 BoM but we will do better this week, 50 something contacts, 5 asistencias at church, and a baptism!! It was such a good week! Even though the 12th was the day of the Virgin Mary here in México but we still got it done! 

    Gerardo got baptized this past Sunday and he made so many changes so it could happen! He said right as he left the water he felt so clean and happy. That made me feel even happier! I love baptisms!

    Also Terre, someone we are teaching went to church for the second time and also went to the baptism and she loved it. She loved it so much that she told us she almost cried! She also has a date to get baptized Christmas eve! She is so prepared! We will be working with her a lot this week!

    On Friday President invited us to the mission home! All the zone leaders, the asistentes and the hermana leaders all got to go. We played sports for like 5 hours then he made us hamburgers! It was awesome, but the only bad part was that I got kicked by someone who played pro soccer before the mission lol. Not gonna lie it hurt pretty bad because he can kick very hard. I'm all good now just a little sore and bruised. 

    We also have something called The Standard of Excellence. The standard the Lord has put for all of México is to baptize 25 a week as a mission. This week we got it done! As a mission we baptized 25 and we can do it again this week! We are starting to really see the Lord bless us for all the work we have done the past few months!

    That's all for this week! I hope you all have a good week and a Merry Christmas! Keep grindin 

Con mucho amor,
Elder Bailey 


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