Week 74 (Bosques Puebla, Mexico) 17 months, bautismoooss, enfermedades

 Hola mis amigos 

    Sometimes I forget to write emails, oops. Last week was just crazy and just totally forgot jaja. The past few weeks have been great. I have seen the hand of the Lord so much! Not much happens on pday just all the usual stuff.

    This week for missionary work was really good but wasn't the best. We didn't have very many contacts only like 30 somethin, we only gave out 15 BoMs, we found 5 new people to teach, taught 18 lessons and 15 of those were with a member participating, 3 people we are teaching went to church and we had a baptism.

    It was a really good week and I also don't remember if I said this the last time I wrote but we baptized last week as well. The baptism we had this week was a crazy miracle. We found Diego last week because he showed up to church with his girlfriend who is a member. We talked to him and he said he has gone to church like 10 times but never had time to be taught by the missionaries. This week he did. We taught him Thursday and invited him to be baptized for that Sunday and he accepted! So we taught him and got him ready. We will be going with him more to help strengthen his testimonio he already has.

    A lot of things happen and it is actually quit difficult to remember what happens jaja. But we are having a lot of really cool spiritual experiences and seeing so many miracles thanks to the Lord. He will always provide if we are faithful, obediente and put 100% of our efforts into the thing we want to do or accomplish. 

    Como un representante de Jesucristo yo les prometo si lean el Libro de Mormón cada día, oren cada día, y asisten a la capilla todos los domingos,  encontrarán mucho más felicidad en su vida y verán los milagros que necesitan en su vida. Les amo mucho! (As a representative of Jesus Christ I promise you if you read the Book of Mormon every day, pray every day, and attend church every Sunday, you will find much more happiness in your life and you will see the miracles you need in your life. I love them much!)

Keep grindin, 
Elder Bailey


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