Week 75 (Xoxtla, Mexico) Hay que trabajar

 Hola hola mis amigos 

    This week was a weird, crazy but also good jaja. Pday was just a normal pday. Hopefully we do something interesting next week.

    Oh yeah, I also got transferred to an area called Xoxtla. It's a little far from the center of Puebla but it is a really good area. There is so much work to be done. Also the area is divide into two so 4 missionaries in one area. During the meals with the members it's pretty fun because all 4 of us eat in the members home pretty crazy actually. We do that when we have intercambios but here it's everyday. 

    We are basically opening a new area because, where we work, the Elders before us and before them never went into the area jaja. We don't know any members there and there was like no one being taught. So this week will be a lot of getting to know the members and finding people to teach through our personal efforts and hopefully a lot through the members.

    I don't really have the números from the week because the transfer happened Friday of last week. But the 3 days I have been here have been really good and we are working really good with a good ritmo. 

    My new companion is Elder Cahuich. He us from Merida, Yucatán. He has around a year on the mission and is also 27. Nothing wrong with that and I also respect him for still coming out on the mission to serve. We are working great together and he has a real desire so we will do great things. 

    We also had the opportunity to be visited by an apostle, Elder Soares! Also Elder Cook, President of the Seventy I think, not for sure, and another general authority. It was so cool to be in their presence and to really feel their love for the Lord.

    Something that Elder Soares said was "Necesitamos ser convertidos al Señor antes de que las personas que enseñamos son convertido" ("We need to be converted to the Lord before the people we teach are converted"). That really hit me hard. I am here to help convert people through the spirit but who I really need to convert is myself. I have about 6 months left on the mission and I will be really focusing on really converting myself into the missionary and man the Lord knows I can be. Jesucristo vive, el es mi Salvador. El es el camino, la vida y la luz del mundo. Mediante El, podemos encontrar una plenitud de gozo. Lo sé, en el nombre de Jesucristo, amén (Jesus Christ lives, he is my Savior. He is the way, the life and the light of the world. Through Him, we can find a fullness of joy. I know, in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.). 

Keep grindin, 
Elder Bailey


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