Week 77 (Cuexcomate, Mexico) I'm alive

 Hola mis amigos

    I am assuming many of you have heard what has happened the past couple of weeks. If you want to know the full story or if you don't know what happened and want to know you will have to wait till I get back from the mission to hear about it jaja, sorry. Just know that I am doing good, feel good and am working hard as always.

    This week for missionary work was really good. We found 14 new people to teach, we had 10 lessons with a member participating, we taught 17 lessons, 3 of our friends went to church, we contacted 63 people and gave out 32 BoMs. It was a really good week. We don't have a baptism planned this week but we have a possibility to have one. 

    Also I got transferred, again. I am in an area that is called Cuexcomate. My new companion is Elder Pineda. He is from Arizona, is 20 and has around 7 months in the mission. This area is the smallest area I have worked in but there is so much work to be done and the members are really good as well. They love working in the work, its great. 

    Nothing to crazy happened this week but I hope next week I will have more to talk about. Have a good week. 

Keep grindin
Elder Bailey


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