Week 78 (La Libertad, Mexico) Hard Work

 Hola mis amigos

   This week went by crazy fast, probably one of the fastest weeks I have ever had on my mission. It was a really good week though. Last pday we played spikeball for like 2-3 hours, kinda a bad idea because I got a little sun burned. All good now though. 

    This week for missionary work was really good as well. We found 15 new people to teach, we had 23 lessons and 8 of those were with a member helping us, we contacted 51 people, gave out 33 BoMs, we had 4 people we are teaching go to church and we received 2 really good references from members. It was a really good week, we had a lot of success and we should be able to have 2 baptisms this week if all goes well. 

    On Saturday we were contacting in the park and we ran into some tourists that were visiting the Cuexcomate (it is the smallest volcano in the world) and the were from Germany and others from France. So we tried talking to on of them in Spanish first but she told us she didn't speak very good Spanish so we asked her if she spoke English, she said yes. So we contacted her in English and the first thing she said in English was "so you guys are Mormons right?" jajaja. It was pretty funny not gonna lie. She didn't accept a book jaja. It was a funny experience. 

    We also had this really cool and spiritual lesson I believe it was Friday. It was actually one of the first times I almost cried during a lesson because I was testifying about my Moms conversion story. It was a really nice moment and the spirit we had teaching the rest of the day was amazing. I can really testify that teaching by the spirit is the best way to teach. If we let the spirit teach, the person will usually always understand and have a spiritual experience. It is an amazing feeling. 

    Since the week went by so fast it is even harder to think about what happened during the week. Knowing me I will probably think of something else and it will already be too late, ni modo. 

    I hope you all have a great week. 

Keep grindin
Elder Bailey


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