Week 79 & 80 (La Libertad, Mexico) Temple

Hola mis amigos,

    I forgot to write again last week, but nothing too crazy happened that week anyway. Every pday we have been playing spikeball with some Elders in our zone and it is so fun, only bad part is that I get sunburnt almost everytime jaja.

   Missionary work was a little difficult this week for la semana santa but we still got work done. We found 7 new people to teach, taught 17 lessons and 5 with a member participating, we gave out 34 BOMs, contacted around 56 people and only had 1 person go to church unfortunatley. It was a good week overall just gotta keep grindin. 

    Also the temple open house for the Puebla Temple started!

    On Thursday we had a lesson with a family which went really well and towards the end the asked us something amazing. They had plans to go to the temple with the bishops family on Monday but they said they wanted to go as soon as possible, so they asked if we could take them the next day! So we planned it in less than a day and it was so awesome. The spirit was so strong and they all liked it so much. We can only go if we talk converts or people we are teaching, so we are going to try and take people every week. I also got to see a lot of members from other wards which made me even happier. Such an amazing expierencia that I will never forget.

    Easter Sunday was great as well! I got to give a talk and I spoke about the atonement. In my talk I put a quote from Elder Holland I found that I love now. 

"Surely the thing God enjoys most about being God is the thrill of being merciful, especially to those who don’t expect it and often feel they don’t deserve it. I testify of the renewing power of God’s love and the miracle of His grace. His concern is for the faith at which you finally arrive, not the hour of the day in which you got there. So if you have made covenants, keep them. If you haven’t made them, make them. If you have made them and broken them, repent and repair them. It is never too late so long as the Master of the vineyard says there is time."

    Such an amazing quote and it made me think about many things, especially on how I can improve in every aspect and always use the gift of the atonement.

    Also on Sunday a family from one of my old areas exactly a year ago came to visit me because they were looking for me. One of the family members that came was someone I baptized and her Mom was going to get baptized but still hasn't. I have a super strong connection with this family but now I know its stronger because the Mom looked and did her research to find me so I could give her a blessing and also her daughter one. I gave the blessings and the spirit was so strong, almost cried. I then talked to the Mom on why she still hasn't gotten baptized. I'm not going to write all of it because it is personal for her but I helped her see the importance of it and she said she is going to think about it and she also said that hopefully I can baptize her. That would be so amazing if I could. I love that family and cherish every moment especially ones like these. 

    That's all I got for this week folks. Hope all have a great week. 

Keep grindin,

Elder Bailey 


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