Week 81 & 82 (La Libertad, Mexico) Templo
Hola mis amigos
As you can see I forgot to write again last week jaja. I will try and be better. We still play spikeball every pday for like 2-3 hours jaja. Never gets old.
Missionary work the past 2 weeks has been pretty good but I have also been sick so at the same time not so much. Over the past 2 weeks we have found over 12 new people to teach, taught over 30 lessons, also having members help us in the lessons, given out over 60 BOMs, contacted over 100 people, haven't had too much luck with people going to church but we are getting there.
The open house for the temple started as well and we have been talking as many people has we can so we can actually go but also to help in their conversion. We also had a special tour with Presidente and Hermana Montejo which was super cool. The spirit was so strong and the tour took over an hour jaja. It was an amazing experience.
I am also technically in a new area but at the same time no. They just discontinued the ward/area I was in and just combined it with another ward. So Cuexcomate doesn't exist anymore. It got joined together with Aquiles Serdan and the ward is now called La Libertad even though the stake is called La Libertad jaja. There will be around 200-250 active members that will asist on Sundays. Gonna be crazy. Also in about 2 months we will go to the church behind the temple so that should be dope.
I really can't think about anything else that has happened but knowing me I will probably remember after jaja.
I hope you all have a great week. Read your scriptures, pray and go to church
Keep grindin,
Elder Bailey
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