Week 84 (La Libertad, Mexico) Time Is Flying

 Hola mis amigos

    Another good week here in La Libertad 2. Well kinda. We had a lot of success but literally no one was on the streets for some reason, it was weird but all good this week we will have a better week, even though transfers are this week and are going to be so crazy, we are still going to work jaja.

    This week for missionary work was good but like I said, could have been better. We were only able to contact like 40 people, gave out 17 BOMs, found 6 new people to teach, taught 12 lessons and 6 of those with members and 2 of the people we are teaching came to church. Not bad, not bad. 

    We found a family of 5 who are all escogidos, weren't able to go to church last Sunday because they already had plans but they said they can come this coming Sunday. We have a lot of faith in Jesus Christ that they can be baptized in May.

    We also had a mission wide conference which was pretty cool. Got to see a lot of old companions and other missionaries that I hadn't seen for awhile. The spirit was very strong and as a mission we have a goal to baptize 100 in May and June! Last week as a mission we baptized 32 so it is definitely possible. 

    I keep on trying to remember if weird or crazy things happen but I can never remember jaja. I need to be better a writing things down. I am just hoping that after the mission certain things will trigger cool, funny or crazy experencias from the mission jaja. Time is going by so fast. 3 transfers left and that's it. In these last 4 months I'll be grinding.

    I hope you all have a good week and follow the spirit. 

Keep grindin,
Elder Bailey


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