Week 87 (La Libertad, Mexico) Dedicacion del Templo de Puebla

 Hola mis amigos

    Good week here in La Libertad, well mas o menos. We got work done but because of the dedication a lot of the members weren't home and kept on canceling on us. Also so many of the lessons we had planned didn't happen because they canceled on us. A little difficult but its normal, happens all the time, just this week a little more than usual. Pday was just another normal pday jaja.

    This week for missionary work we found 10 new people to teach, we gave out 25 BOMs, contacted over 50 people, taught 10 lessons, no one was able to go to church because we didn't have it because of the dedication and that's really it. Hoping for a better week this week. 

    Elder Gong came to dedicate the temple and it was really dope. Wasn't able to meet him or anything but being a part of it was a cool experience. We now have a full operating temple here in Puebla, pretty crazy!

    Other than the dedication nothing crazy really happened or really anything cool to mention. Normal work week. Have a good week!

Keep grindin,
Elder Bailey


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