
Week 93 (Atlixco, Mexico) Transfers

Hola mis amigos,     This week was good but also a little sad. Pday was a normal pday like always.     So as you can see by the title, I got transferred. I wasn't expecting it at all because I only have one more transfer left in my mission, so just a little odd but that's life. I spent Tuesday night and all of Wednesday saying bye to everyone. Jose, a really cool member, gifted my comp and I paintings he painted himself, pretty sick. The goodbyes were pretty hard but I'm used to it by now. But these goodbyes were a little harder because I had made some amazing relationships with a lot of the members.      Thursday I officially got transferred. We headed to the offices and I had to take a van with like 12 other missionaries because we all got sent pretty far away. Saying goodbye to Elder Young was hard as well, one of my favorite comps. I am now in a city called Atlixco. It is actually very pretty over here. A lot more green when you go down south in Puebla. We are also supe

Week 91/92 (La Libertad, Mexico) ¿Tengo alergias? (Do I have allergies?)

  Hola mis amigos     This week honestly kinda sucked jaja. We started off the week good by getting to know our new mission President here in the south mission. We had a meeting with him and his family, the assistants and the sister training leaders and our whole zone that got transferred over here. It was fine but kinda crazy because they do a lot of things very differently here so it will be hard to get used to with how little time I have left. We also had an interview with President and his family as a companionship and he told us that my comp and I will stay together for my last transfer here in this area, hopefully he remembers that he said that jaja.     Yeah by the way my date to come home has now changed for the 3rd time. First it was the 2nd of sept, then the 5th of sept and now its the 15th of Aug jajaja. Yeah so my last transfer in the mission starts this Thursday, July 4th. Time is going by so fast.      So after our meeting with President and his fam he took all of us to a

Week 91/92 (La Libertad, Mexico) Bautismooooo, y ¿Pueba Sur?

  Hola mis amigos,     I think I forgot to write again last week, but I honestly don't remember because the weeks go by so fast. I honestly don't remember really anything from 2 weeks ago so I will just talk about this past week jaja.      It was a pretty good week here in La Libertad 2. We only found 1 new person to teach but she has potential, we taught around 8 lessons, contacted around 50 people, gave out 20 BOMs, 1 person we are teaching came to church, well technically 2 but he got baptized yesterday! Overall it was a pretty good week.      The baptism was really really good actually. We found Erick by contacting him in front of his house, giving him a Book of Mormon and setting an appointment to come back and talk about the BOM. 4 weeks later he was baptized! He is going to be such a good miembro.     Wednesday we had a small little get together with another zone, Presidente y su esposa and just chilled and talked. Also told us if we are in a new mission. Yup, I got reas

Week 89/90 (La Libertad, Mexico) Conferencia de Estaca

  Hola mis amigos,     Sorry for not writing last week, no excuses just totally forgot jajaja. The past two weeks have been pretty chill. Really nothing crazy has happened.     The past 2 weeks for missionary work were pretty slow. I don't really remember the exact numbers so I will just make an estimate. We found around 10 new people, taught around 20 lessons, gave out around 40 BOMs, only had like 1 or 2 people go to church that we are teaching which kinda sucked, we contacted around 100 people and that's really it. We are working with this family of 5 but really only 1 is progressing but hopefully he can get baptized soon to be the example for his family.      Sunday we also had Stake Conference which was pretty good. The family of 5 didn't go which didn't help but overall it was good. I think the best talk was the talk my President gave jajaja Presidente Montejo. After the conference we took pictures in front of the temple with Presidente and talked for a bit about

Week 88 (La Libertad, Mexico) Hail Storm

  Hola mis amigos,     Pretty good week here in La Libertad. We had another normal pday pretty much doing nothing.     Missionary work was good but could have been better. We ended up finding 12 new people to teach, gave out 24 BOMs, contacted over 50 people, taught 8 lessons, and no one went to church:( It was a good week, and we found a family of 5 and said they were going to go to church but backed out at the last second.      Last Friday was crazy. That day we found 6 new people teach and a crazy hail storm happened. It literally looked like it had snowed. Reminded me of home during the winter. We ended up helping shovel the hail. It was pretty fun jaja.      President also came to our house, together with the ZLs and we moved some fridges and washing machines that were in another room in our house that is being used as a storage place for the mission.      The family of 5 we found is also really interested in learning and we found them by just trying to do a follow up with a BoM w

Week 87 (La Libertad, Mexico) Dedicacion del Templo de Puebla

  Hola mis amigos     Good week here in La Libertad, well mas o menos. We got work done but because of the dedication a lot of the members weren't home and kept on canceling on us. Also so many of the lessons we had planned didn't happen because they canceled on us. A little difficult but its normal, happens all the time, just this week a little more than usual. Pday was just another normal pday jaja.     This week for missionary work we found 10 new people to teach, we gave out 25 BOMs, contacted over 50 people, taught 10 lessons, no one was able to go to church because we didn't have it because of the dedication and that's really it. Hoping for a better week this week.      Elder Gong came to dedicate the temple and it was really dope. Wasn't able to meet him or anything but being a part of it was a cool experience. We now have a full operating temple here in Puebla, pretty crazy!     Other than the dedication nothing crazy really happened or really anything cool

Week 86 (La Libertad, Mexico) Bautismooo

  Hola mis amigos     Another good week here en La Libertad 2. Last pday was just a normal chill pday, nothin crazy.     This week for missionary work was a lot better. Finally got into our groove. We ended up finding 13 new people to teach, taught 16 lessons, 6 out of those 16 were with a member participating, contacted over 60 people, gave out 29 BOMs, had 2 of our friends go to church, which were refs from a member and we had a baptism!! It was a really good week.      The baptism was great. Rosa Linda was ready since the first lesson. Such an escogida. She was so emotional and the spirit was so strong. She also asked me if I could baptize her. What an honor. It is such a special blessing to be able to help one of Gods children find the correct path back home, to our real home. I love missionary work.      Elder Young my new comp is getting used to the mission just fine and I love how he has no fear and not afraid to make mistakes. His Spanish is getting a lot better already and he