Week 93 (Atlixco, Mexico) Transfers

Hola mis amigos, This week was good but also a little sad. Pday was a normal pday like always. So as you can see by the title, I got transferred. I wasn't expecting it at all because I only have one more transfer left in my mission, so just a little odd but that's life. I spent Tuesday night and all of Wednesday saying bye to everyone. Jose, a really cool member, gifted my comp and I paintings he painted himself, pretty sick. The goodbyes were pretty hard but I'm used to it by now. But these goodbyes were a little harder because I had made some amazing relationships with a lot of the members. Thursday I officially got transferred. We headed to the offices and I had to take a van with like 12 other missionaries because we all got sent pretty far away. Saying goodbye to Elder Young was hard as well, one of my favorite comps. I am now in a city called Atlixco. It is actually very pretty over here. A lot more green when you go down south in Pu...