Week 23 (Los Alamos, Puebla, Mexico) Fast week that I don't remember

¡Qué onda mis amigos! This past week went by really fast but not a lot happened. For p-day we had to drop Elder Nebeker off at the oficinas because one Elder went home, so he had to take his place. Now it is just Elder Reyes and I in Alamos. We didn't do much after that, just played basketball, soccer and talked with our families. The trio was really fun and I am going to miss it but I know God has something special in store for us in Alamos. Tuesday we had a Multi Zone Conference but before that Elder Webster called us to talk about all of our numbers we have been getting the past couple of weeks. Then we also did some practices with him, which actually went really well and learned a lot. The conference went really well but was also a little boring but it's all good. After the conference we got to have dinner with some dope members and talked for a bit with them. This old couple is really cool. If we called them like an hour before a lesson ...